FiberCreme™ MCT – The Effect of Supplementation of Isomaltooligosaccharide and Emulsified MCT
Published 14 June 2022
A high concentration of energy substrate in circulation will aid in suppressing appetite and subsequently food intake. Medium chain Triglycerides (MCT) is a natural exogenous ketone source that is able to function as an energy substrate which increases ketone and thus suppresses appetite. On the other hand, isomaltooligosaccharide (IMO) which is a form of dietary fiber can absorb and retain water that induce the stomach wall which eventually can lead to appetite suppression. However, currently there is no data on whether the emulsification of MCT oil and IMO would promote more appetite suppression.
The following research focuses on the effect of FiberCreme-MCT which is an emulsification of MCT oil with Isomaltooligosaccharide (IMO) on blood glucose, 𝛽-hydroxybutyrate and caloric intake in male wistar rats.
The research concludes that FiberCreme using MCT oil suppresses total caloric intake in male wistar rats. The caloric intake suppression is likely due to the increased blood ketones concentration and that the emulsification of isomaltooligosaccharide with MCT produces more ketogenic effects in comparison to non-emulsified MCT. The research demonstrates that the supplementation of FiberCreme containing MCT oil before a meal will promote appetite suppression and subsequent calorie intake.